Contract Management
Contractual response timelines
Tybolt’s single-source-of-truth, quality assured will eliminate the subjectivity of data, and the margin for error. This will ultimately enable the strict and demanding contractual timeframes to be met more easily.
The intentions of the contract for a project are not always clear, which leads to subjective opinion, uncertainty and potential disputes between the contracting parties. Ambiguity over what was in/ out of scope, and the basis of pricing for modifications/ variations can lead to uncommercial decision making.
Tybolt harnesses the power of the fin model and provides to the user absolute clarity about what was include in the scope of the project, and what was not. The financials of the project add significant clarity to the legalese of the contract, which can be hard to apply practically, and having that insight can prevent disputes before they start.
When combined with Affinitext, Tybolt provides a complete, synchronised insight into the project financial model and contract. Smart links between the model and the contract enable instant reconciliation of commercial principles and financial data, for training and contract management purposes.